Elon Musk affirms that he has no plans for any additional children "to come" in the near future.

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He once said in an interview about his enormous family, "He's pretty confident there are no other kids."

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The 51-year-old identifies as a "Autumn Chicken," making it obvious he has no problem with adding additional children to the queue.

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When his kid went to Nevada in 2002, the Tesla CEO became a father.

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10 weeks after birth, the baby passed away.

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Griffin and Vivian Wilson, now 18 years old, were born to him and Justin Wilson two years later.

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Even though Vivian changed her last name in June to "not be tied to [her] biological father in any manner, shape, or form," Musk and Vivian had broken up.

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Vivian had then altered her gender, as well as her first and middle surnames.

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Musk spoke to the publication about his tense bond, adding, "I get along well with everybody else. No way to win them all."

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She and her partner Wilson, 50, are also parents to Triple Kai, Saxon, and Damien, who was born in 2006 and is now 16 years old.

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